Human Suit - ©2009

Beware their tempting words
Their tiny little lies
Beware their shiny suits
Their beady little eyes
Beware their darting hands
Their clever little stems
Beware the human race
They'll drag you down with them

Finish your business and get off the streets at night
Lock all your doors and windows shut in nice and tight
Turn up the TV and pretend that no one's there
Sleep soundly with your gun loaded cause you're prepared

Murder your neighbours there's too much noise at night
Murder your flatmate for leaving on the lights
Murder a stranger because you want their shoes
Murder and murder before they murder you

Forget about their tempting words
Shoot them in the face
Forget about their shiny suits
Murder the human race
Forget about their darting hands
Left scrabbling on the floor
Put the gun into your mouth
Forget about them all

Murder a driver for trying to make a fare
Murder your children just for being there
Murder a Tagger for writing on your wall
Murder and murder until you kill them all